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Can People with Dry Eyes Wear Contacts?

Up close image of a woman placing a contact onto her right eye with her finger.

Dry Eye Effects Contact Lenses Comfort Wearing contact lenses can be a convenient alternative to eyeglasses. When your contacts fit your eyes, they move with your eye, allowing more natural vision that doesn’t get in the way of physical activities. However, contact lenses require more care and can increase the risk of eye conditions, including […]

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Can Underlying Medical Conditions Cause Dry Eye?

Close up an eye separated by a line showing a normal eye versus a red dry eye.

Can an underlying medical condition cause dry eye syndrome? Dry eyes are a common and typically chronic condition many people seek relief from. There are many reasons this condition occurs, but can an underlying medical condition be the cause of your dry eyes?  Continue reading to learn more about dry eyes, including if underlying medical […]

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What Is a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

A woman at her optometrist's getting a comprehensive eye exam looking for refractive errors

Everyone needs regular eye exams, whether it’s children or adults. You’ve likely had an eye exam before, but maybe it’s been a while since your last appointment. What happens during these examinations, and why are they important?  Continue reading to learn more about the importance of comprehensive eye exams.  What Is a Comprehensive Eye Exam?  […]

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Can I Wear Normal Contact Lenses With Astigmatism?

Close up view of an eye with keratoconus, a type of astigmatism

Can I Wear Normal Contact Lenses With Astigmatism? If you have astigmatism, you’re not alone –this common vision problem affects a significant number of people worldwide. Astigmatism occurs when light cannot reach the retina correctly, due to a misshaped curve on the eye’s inside lens, or irregularly shaped corneas.  People with astigmatism may experience varying […]

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What is Blephex Treatment and How Does It Work?

Man rubbing removing his glasses and rubbing his right eye because of irritation.

Explaining Blepharitis  Patients with blepharitis will be quick to tell you about their discomfort. This common condition typically occurs when tiny oil glands near the base of the eyelashes become clogged and coated with bacteria and oily particles, leading to:  Swollen eyelids Burning and irritated eyes Red Eyes  Puffy Eyes  Eyelid inflammation from blepharitis can […]

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Can Intense Pulsed Light Therapy Treat Dry Eye?

The before and after of dry eye treated by intense pulsed light therapy

You probably rarely think about your eyes—until they’re bothering you. And once they are, there’s almost nothing more irritating. If you notice a gritty or burning sensation in your eyes, you may be experiencing dry eye. Dry eye is a common yet complex condition. Varied underlying issues and environmental factors can cause your eyes to […]

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